Emojis in Khaanaa font ======================

Following emojis are encoded in Unicode Private Use Area in the font and can be accessed directly by using the unicode hexcode or activating dlig feature in the text and typing out the short code. Short code also works in word processor.

Sl No shortcode unicode hex code picture
1 namaste &#1F64F namaste
2 jalebi &#xE366 jalebi
3 samosa &#xE367 samosa
4 laddoo &#xE368 laddoo
5 dosa &#xE369 dosa
6 medubada &#xE36A medu bada
7 dhokla &#xE36B dhokla
8 biryani &#xE36C biryani
9 chingrim &#E36D Chingri Malaikari
10 ilish &#E36E Ilish Sorshe