Samaano is a project to learn creation of a variable font using Open Source Tools like Fontforge, Fontra and some python script.
The Name Samaano comes fron the Sanskrit word Samaan , meaning equal, indicating the advance widths are equal in this font. .
Following are the specialities of the font
* Fully created using Open Source Software - mainly Fontra and Fontforge.
* Monospaced Font
* All glyphs are created using rectangular components only
* Three Variable axes of Slant, Weight and Width
* Covers more than 550 languages using Latin, Latin Extended including Vietnamese, Pan-Nigerian DIN91379, Monotonic Greek and Devanagari script
Samaano समानो
Isometric Variable Font आइसोमेट्रिक भेरियेब्ल फन्ट
Latin Ǝẍŧëňđểð देवनागरी Ελληνικά
Download Samaano family of fontslatest Version 2.301 zipped